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In this section we will publish the “Safeguarding” guidelines of Ugolino Golf Club, which regulate the prevention and regulation tools against any form of abuse, harassment and discrimination in regards to ethnicity, gender, religion, political beliefs, disabilitiy, age, or sexual orientation, that is, the reasons why the European Directive 2012/2019 and the Proxy Law on the Reorganization of CONI and on professional behavior in sports of August 8th 2019 n. 86 on the FIG affiliated, especially if minors, in the subject matter of this activity is being carried out from the Society.

This document incorporates the dispositions, D.Igs n. 36 of February 28th 2021, D.Igs n.39 of February 28th 2021, said dispositions were emanated from the Giunta Nazionale of CONI and the Fundamental Principles approved by the Permanent Observatory of CONI for the Safeguarding policies, also recognized as “regulation for the prevention and contrast of abuse, violence and discrimination againts the affiliated members”of the Italian Golf Federation and its guidelines. The Supervisor for Safeguarding against abuse, violence and discrimination at Ugolino Golf Club is Simone Re. For more information, inquiries and advisory contact: safeguarding@golfugolino.it

For more information, inquiries and advisory contact: safeguarding@golfugolino.it

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